Anna Maria Stein su IPKat ci notizia della decisione 2nd board of Appeal EUIPO Cnitts KX ltd 19.02.2024, caso R 514/2023-2 .
Si trattava di marchio di posizione costituito da poligono a sei lati collocato in quattro punti di un occhiale:

il segno contestato:
40 The contested mark is not a mere figurative mark, but a position mark and has to be assessed as such. A trade mark may be devoid of distinctive character as a figurative mark but when applied for on a specific position or positions it may obtain a distinctive character. Thus, the position of the trade mark is relevant for the overall assessment.
However, it is to be stressed that the mark as such is also relevant for the overall
41 The representation of the contested mark shows the position of four six-sided irregular black polygons (hereinafter ‘polygons’) each with a straight upper and lower edge and with the vertical sides formed by two parallel lines of equal length that converge inwards in a slightly concave fashion, each at the same angle. Two of these polygons are placed in a vertical direction on the front of the frames one on the left and one on the right, and two are placed horizontally on the outside part of the left and right temples. It is to be stressed that the shape of the glasses that are shown by means of dotted lines do not form part of the subject matter of the registration in accordance with Article 3(3)(d) EUTMIR
49 As to the position mark showing four polygons instead of one, there is nothing about these polygons and as affixed on the goods that is unusual or memorable that might enable the relevant public to perceive the sign immediately as distinctive.
50 As correctly pointed out by the applicant, it is irrelevant whether the sign serves other functions in addition to that of an indication of origin, e.g. an aesthetic (decorative) function. However, the Board considers that the contested mark at hand does not serve (inherently) as an indication of origin. The position sign for which protection is sought on that, it is stressed, particular place of the frame and temples will be perceived by the relevant public (even to the extent it has a high level of attention) and in relation to all contested goods solely as a decoratively finished mechanism or rivet (a rivet as such has a dual purpose by having a functional and decorative purpose) that connects to or covers
the hinge that attaches the end piece or the front of the glasses to the arms (temples). (….)
54 Furthermore, as to the size of the elements of the four polygons and as affixed on the eyewear, the applicant itself admits that these elements are small but argues that this not relevant. It is true, that the size does not automatically disqualify any trade mark that is to be placed on eyewear frames from protection. Furthermore, the Board does not consider the small size of the four polygons at issue as a decisive factor. However, as an accessory remark, bearing in mind that it is unlikely that most of the consumers will analyse the mark in detail, the smaller the polygons at issue, the more difficult it may be for the
public to distinguish them from other plane figures. This finding of the public’s
perception is not changed by the applicant’s argument that the size is small due to the limited space for featuring a trade mark on eyewear frames.
Segue poi un ineressante aqnalisi del sondaggio demoscopico (mirante a provare che il segno sarebbe diustintivo presso i consumatiori tedeschi), § 59 ss