Marchi musicali: difficile registrarli!

Marcel Pemsel in IPKat  ci notizia di una decisione di appello dell’Ufficio europeo sulla registrazione (che viene negata, confermando il 1 grado) di un jingle sonoro di due secondi (ascoltabile qui): 5° BoA EUIPO 02.04.2024, Case R 2220/2023-5, Berliner Verkehrsunternehmen (BVG), (trad. inglese automatica, orig. tedesco)

<<18 The sign applied for is a sound sign of two seconds, which consists only of a simple sequence of four different perceptible sounds. The applicant’s argument that the sound mark consisted of many different sounds that were played at the same time by several votes is incorrect in this respect. The sign is so short that only four sounds are perceived.
19. The sign applied for is so short and commonplace that it has no resonance or a certain recognition value that would enable the targeted consumers to regard it as an indication of origin and not merely as a functional element or as a reference without message.
20. It is a generally known fact, which is argued both by the examiner and by the applicant, that a short sound  sequence is usually played before loudspeaker messages in relation to information on means of transport, so that travellers direct their attention to the following message. Normally, these announcements take place in environments with many different sounds, which means that it is not easy for the pushchair to distinguish the message from other background sounds. Loudspeaker messages, which are initiated by a Jtelevisions, become part of transport; Passenger transport in Class 39, that is to say, for example, at airport maintenance halls, on traction and bus transport. If the relevant consumer heard the sound sign applied for before passing through a loudspeaker, he will not associate it with a particular undertaking without familiarisation and will simply perceive it as a sound which is intended to attract the attention of the reader and direct it to the subsequent loudspeaker diffusers. It is therefore a sound sign that simply has a functional task, namely to announce or causes a loudspeaker penetration.
21. Also in relation to the services packaging of goods; Storage of goods; The sign applied for is not capable of performing its main function as an indication of commercial origin. If the trade circles targeted come into contact with this very short and simple sound sequence in connection with these services, they will at most assume that the sound refers to certain aspects of the service (e.g. the beginning of an announcement) or is used in advertising for
these services. The sign is therefore devoid of distinctive character within the meaning of Article 7(1)(b) EUTMR in relation to all the services applied for in Class 39>>.

Effettivamente, oltre ad essere brevissimo, è pure un suono banale.