Marcel Pemsel in IPKat dà notizia di un interssante ed analitica decisione di appello dell’ufficio di Alicante relativa ad un marchio composto da due freccette (chevrons) che però erano state poi usate a colori invertiti.

Si tratta di EUIPO 2nd board of appel 10.03.2023, case R 1422/2022-2, Barry’s Bootcamp Holdings, LLC v. HUMMEL HOLDING A/S .
L’ufficio svaluta il ruolo del colore e dice che l’inversione non altera la distintività (la domanda era di revoca per non uso) , sempre che la figura non sia banale o troppo semoplice. Il rif. è all’art. 18.1.a) del reg. 1001 del 2017.
” § 53 However, the contested IR in the present appeal is not extremely simple unlike the aforementioned case with three parallel black lines, that did not even have the minimum degree of distinctive character. It is not denied that the distinctiveness of the two-chevron device is somewhat below average. Nevertheless, the sign in question consists of two identical chevrons, which are not basic geometric shapes (by analogy, 07/09/2022, R 615/2022-2, Gelber Strich mit linkem Knick (fig.), § 14). What characterises this sign is the outline of the two chevrons, their equal thickness and width and the equal distance between them. Chevrons or V-shaped marks can be presented in multiple ways showing different characteristics (as shown for instance in the examples of registered EUTMs provided by the IR holder on 18 June 2020: , , , , etc.). In contrast, the thickness of the lines and the space between them are the sole features that set a sign made of three vertical lines apart from others. Consequently, even minor changes are able to change the distinctive character of three vertical lines. Following from the above, the Board is of the opinion that the use of the sign does not alter the distinctive character of the contested IR . This is because the chevrons maintain the same outline, the same distance between them, they have an identical thickness and width”.
La posizione dell’Ufficio è di dubbia esattezza , stante l’importanza che il colore riveste nella moda di largo consumo: ma alla fine è forse esatto che il cunsumatore ricolleghi il segno nuovo (con colori invertiti) al precedente ed originario