Marchi geografici: fare molta attenzione!

E’ stata daecisa dal reclamo ammisnitativo dlel’Uifficio euroep la lite sul marhcio dneominativo e figurativo ICELAND, chiesto per diverse classi merceologiche (per lo più attinenti als ettore alimentare).

Il figurativo è questo :

Ne dà notizia Giorgio Luceri su IPKat e gisutamente ricjhiama l’imoprtanza della decisione che si portrà come precednte improtante sulloggetto (oltre al noto caso Chniemsee del …, ampiamente richiamato)

Si tratta della decisione del Grand Board of Appeal 15.12.2022 Iceland foods ltd c. Ministero degli esteri di Islanda, R 1238/2019-G, per il marchio denominativo e della decisione del medesimo organo, pari data, R 1613/2019G, per il marchio figurativo.

La norma di riferimenot è la’rt. 7.1.c) dell’EUTMR.

Si v. della lunga decisione ad es. i §§ 125 ss sulle caratteristiche del paese Islanda.

E poi i §§ 148-149 : <<What is more, consumers in the EU are in fact used to seeing an indication of the
country of origin, production or processing on a variety of products. Such
indications are not only linked to a legal obligation in the European Union to
indicate the country of origin of foodstuffs but are also common in relation to other
goods (stationary, electronic appliances, etc.). For these latter goods, consumers
are used to seeing the indication ‘Made in [country name]’ and their purchase
decision may be dependent or at least influenced by the country indicated
(‘Chiemsee’, cited
supra, para. 9, indent 4, § 98). In particular, in view of the
growing environmental and ecological conscience of the target public, consumers
may for example choose fruit, vegetable and meat products that were grown in
countries which have strict and reliable regulations regarding the use of pesticides,
antibiotics and growth hormones. Regarding electric and electronic apparatus,
consumers may turn to products which are linked to a country enjoying a reputation for good eco-quality, robust and environmentally sustainable goods and services and which offer the possibility of easy-to-avail post-sales assistance with all the guarantees of Single Market consumer protection to be found in the EU or the EEA.
149 Given that Iceland will have a propensity to describe sustainable and eco-friendly goods, such an image can easily influence purchasing decisions of the relevant public. Since the beginning of the millennium, environmental concerns have had an important place on the international agenda and national governments in developed countries have taken extensive measures in response to consumer concerns in this respect. As a result, there has been a growing demand for more eco-friendly, sustainable products. For this reason, eco-friendliness embedded in
the identity of countries at the forefront of the eco movement (such as the Nordic region and Germany) will positively influence the acquisition decision of

Conclusion: << 198 … the Grand Board concludes that the mark at issue would
be perceived by the relevant public as an indication that the goods and services so designated originate from Iceland. Consequently, the Grand Board confirms the findings of the Cancellation Division that the mark has been registered contrary to the provisions of Article 7(c) EUTMR.

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