Nuova edizione dei principi di Corporate governance dell’OECD (anzi, G20/OECD)

Orizzonti del diritto commerciale dà notizia della e link alla nuova edizione dei  Principi di Corporate governance OECD (anzi G20/OECD).

Qui richiamo la parte sulla sostenibilità , cap. VI Sustainability and resilience.

Le relative regole mirano solo alla miglior profittabilità nel lungo termine.

Tale è lo scopo anche della misura più avanzata, il dialogo con gli stakeholders (VI.B. Corporate governance frameworks should allow for dialogue between a company, its shareholders and stakeholders to exchange views on sustainability matters as relevant for the company’s business strategy and its assessment of what matters ought to be considered material).

Genericissima la regola sulla partecipazione dei lavoratori, VI.D.3 (The degree to which employees participate in corporate governance depends on national laws and practices, and may vary from company to company as well. In the context of corporate governance, mechanisms for participation may benefit companies directly as well as indirectly through the readiness by employees to invest in firm specific skills. Examples of mechanisms for employee participation include employee representation on boards and governance processes such as works councils that consider employee viewpoints in certain key decisions. International conventions and national norms also recognise the rights of employees to information, consultation and negotiation).